Bear Pride Picnic

The Norway Bears are opening Oslo Pride week with summer’s coziest park gathering! 🐻🏳️‍🌈 

Come bask in the summer sun with nice fellas, play some kubb, pop open a cold beer, and grill some sausages. We’re providing the background music, park games, barbecue, and good times! 🌭🌞 Meet us when we gather in the top of Torshovdalen at 13:00, right above the Sinsenterrassen tram stop, and a little below Sinsen subway stop. Look for our large yellow banner among the birch trees!

Bring your own food, sunscreen, and something to sit on – see you there!

When: Saturday, June 22th, 1PM – 6PM
Where: Torshovdalen, close to Sinsen subway and southgoing stop for the 31 bus

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